All About
Queer Gym

Queer Gym spreads joy! By engaging positively with your body, you can (re)discover the connection with yourself, each other and the world

Queer Gym takes a soft approach to providing a safe gym environment. Here you can be and discover who you are. We make Queer Gym together, we move and learn with our community and are always open to change.

Am I Gym enough for Queer Gym?

Going to the gym is not just for fit bodies. You don't have to do anything to get ready. You don't have to be thin, able bodied, healthy or strong. There is no reason to change, you don't need a goal.
You don't have to have experience with sports. You don't have to know how machines, muscles or movements work. You may ask for help.
You may move the way you want to move. If that means skipping certain parts of the workout, you may let go of the idea that that would not be enough.
You don't have to ‘progress’ faster, harder or heavier. To be in the gym you don't have to win, you don't have to pass anything, you don't have to achieve success. You can do these things your way.
We know that going to a gym can be difficult. Not all gyms are a safe place. We believe that moving together can be powerful. Creating a space where we can do that is based on collaboration. We are so happy and motivated to meet more people at the gym. You are gym enough!

Queer Gym
in the media

From the starting point to our work now

We have had the opportunity to tell our story in several places, take a look at a sampling of different publications below:

Zalando, June 2021

Read the article

Damn Honey, August 19, 2023

Read the article

ELLE Nederland, 2023

Read the article

HUMAN, November 22 2021

Read the article

Kutmannen, March 22 2021

Read the article


All of our board members and trainers are queer and have years of experience in their workfield(s). We are part of the community and know what it can mean to have a queer body looking for suitable ways of movement!

Our sponsors

they help make Queer Gym possible:

More than a gym

By and for the community: events, workshops, the queer clothing swap, arts&crafts and more!

At queer gym, being part of the community is about more than sports. Connect with the place and each other in a way that suits you: you are welcome to be here.

Atmosphere at
Queer Gym

Take a look!